- Lake Guntersville State Park - This 968 word article is a semi-review, but mostly informational article targeted at the outdoor camping category. Targeted keywords: outdoor camping, Alabama State Park, hiking, outdoor activities
- Selling You Home - An 843 word keyword targeted "Tips-type" topic article. targeted topic: Real Estate market. Targeted Keywords: selling your home, buyer's market, real estate agent
- Selling Your Home II - An example of the above article as a re-write for EzineArticles publication.
- Campfire Cooking - A 700+ word informational article that is part of a topic series.
These are instructional content samples:
- How to Build a Campfire -This is a 640+ word re-write of a longer Hubpages article, written for sale on another publisher's platform. You can view the longer version complete with pics, resource links, and reader interaction modules at the hub: How to Build a Key-hole Campfire
- End Your ebay Listing - This 640+ word article is a combination of information and instructions. It was intended for blog content and back-links.
- Pick Your Product Niche - This is an instructional content article in a Hubpages module format.
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